Digital Booklet: Unleashing Aliveness Deck
A digital guide to your Unleashing Aliveness Liberatory Practices Deck
to the Liberatory Biomimicry somatic liberation framework (formerly called Liberated Being)!
Your power is unimaginable, undeniable, and uncageable.
With this deck, I invite you to open yourself to the excitement and magic of discovering who you are. Your true nature is wild, free, and unified. You may experience yourself as stuck, oppressed, and traumatized, but another version of you exists behind the fear, masking, hiding, and numbing of oppression.
Find yourself.
It may take many rescue missions to reclaim all the parts of you that are wounded, hiding, or playing dead. But what else are you going to do with your time?
Come to life. Make your impact. Love yourself with wild abandon. Lead others to personal and collective liberation.
You are strong enough. You are brave enough. You are magic enough. You are crazy enough. You are everything you need to live a life of liberation.
Introduction to Aliveness
Heal Your Internalized Oppression / Recalibrate Your Internal Compass
The 18 Liberatory Practices of Liberated Being (click 4 list)
While these practices can be loosely categorized as Balancing, Nourishing, or Protecting Alivevess, they are truly overlapping and multidimensional. Ultimately, how they impact your Aliveness is what matters, along with what you learn through your lived experience of applying them.
Protecting Practices
Honesty, Allowing Space, Choice, Consent, Transparency, Boundaries, Awareness, Aliveness
Balancing Practices
Justice, Equity, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion,
Nourishing Practices
Rest, Pleasure, Play, Celebration, Dignity
How each Liberatory Practice is an antidote to Oppressive Practices (more coming…)
More Coming Soon…
This booklet is digital because the booklet wants to be whole-@ss book! As chapters and concepts come together I will post them on Substack. Subscribe to be the first to receive updates and new additions